The appraiser who prepares the appraisal report of a property, an apartment, a plot of land, a house, industrial facilities, business premises and in general for a Real Estate, should have specialized knowledge, extensive experience, consistency, honesty, to comply with the laws, to understand complex real estate appraisal situations and in general the preparation of the appraisal report to be distinguished by objectivity and transparency.

For ‘QValue’ valuing Real Estate is not a simple matter. We use all scientifically proven methods for valuing. In order to proceed with a Real Estate appraisal, we collect and analyze the available documents from our customer and after the autopsy and determination of the optimal use of the property, we decide which methods we will use for the appraisal, so we can be sure for the result of the study.

QVALUE’s internationally certified appraisers, estimate the market value of real estate for each purpose, in accordance with the International and European appraisal standards and the rules of Valuation Science. QValue’ has valued a huge number of real estate residential, tourist, commercial and industrial buildings, areas, hotels as well as listed buildings all over Europe.

QVALUE has extensive experience at ‘Real Estate Valuation Studies’.
In this emerging knowledge based economy, QVALUE can be characterized as a firm specializing in this service.

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